29 August 2010


Thursday night was once upon a time pizza night. I remember watching Bones, The Amazing Race and Family Guy followed up by American Dad. I miss that.

I'm inclined to think of returning to vegetarian status. Among other lifestyle changes... I've designed an ideal subject plan for the next two years of college. I've incorporated suitable courses for both the scientific and aesthetic aspects of my future intentions. Architecture... Something I've never considered as a career. Something I've always considered a male dominated trade, much like mechanics. But past this, it's a very appealing pathway!

On to trivial matters, Trevor is getting too fat. It's quite worrying. As is Nick! Ahh, he can afford to go snowboarding with his friends but he couldn't come see a movie with me! Sarah is home. She arrived Friday and we've already accomplished a bit. We've cleaned out Christopher's room (making the rest of the house untidy :P) with the intentions of getting that plastered, etc. I'm also back on to Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's at the moment, but I tend to watch GX episodes on YouTube. :) I'm also, almost not intentionally, keeping a regular sleep routine. It's so weird, haven't had one of those since I was a baby! Ha, usually I'm so erratic with my sleep patterns. However, I'm up before seven, in bed at 9ish. :) I feel better. :)

Source: http://lecorbeaublogger.blogspot.com/2010/08/nostalgia.html

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