18 August 2010

New Fabrics!

Today I decided to check out my storage room for the sewing-stuff I had up there. It turned out to be a small goldmine of lovely fabrics of all kind.
I have not checked up on it for a while, due to life in general, so I had forgotten most of it.
My living room is now filled with boxes of fabric, pearls, ribbon and thread in the colors of the rainbow, and I cannot wait to get a decent system for storing it. Right now it is messy, inaccessible and...not very inspiring. For storing the stuff I will use the most, I got this old wooden box. I'll post a picture of it once I get to it - right now it's in the very back of the room. The box is a project in itself, it needs a new layer of paint and perhaps a nice cushion on top.

Yesterday I went to IKEA and came home with these lovely fabrics. I am planning to spice up the living room by adding colorful cushions to my brown (and somewhat boring sofa...but my boyfriend veto'ed the purple sofa!!!).

This mischievous fox is on the same fabric as the squirrel. When I saw it, sticking it's tongue out I simply had to take it home. This can probably be used for some baby-stuff, since a lot of my friends are expecting a little one  :) 

Could not help but buy this fabric...love the Origami animals. Wondering if they might do well in a picture frame, perhaps with some added color?

This fabric made me smile - so obviously, I had to have some of it. Cannot decide where to use it, but I am sure I'll find a good spot for it!

And last, but not least: While I was watching telly this evening I decided to try making fabric roses, following this nice tutorial from Everyday Chaos. It is really easy to follow and I managed to make one decent and one...rather helpless looking rose. 

I am pretty sure these will be really easy to make once I get the hang of it - it just takes a little bit of practice. They are so cute and useful, so it is defiantly something I'll make more of. Also, if you're efficient, you can easily make a couple of roses while watching telly.


Source: http://millarh.blogspot.com/2010/08/new-fabrics.html

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