27 August 2010

Got Schooled Son!

After evaluating my post history, I realize I talk about WWE like A LOT. I guess it was my distraction because Video Games addiction was getting out of hand. Anyways, I promise not to talk about WWE from this sentence one. AH! RANDY ORTON IS MY LOVE!!!!!! WWE KICKS ASS!!! OK, form THIS sentence one(:

So instead of speaking of the unspeakable, I'll tell you about my journey to begin school. Of course you know I've been on the fabulous Summer vacation for around 3 months now. It's has been a pretty decent season. Definitely went shopping a lot and there's nothing wrong with that. Did a few big things here and there so in all, one of the best Summers(: So as it neared an end and the school started calling telling me to get my papers and fill em out and blah blah blah stuff, I began to have mixed emotions about school starting over again. I really did love not having to worry about anything. No homework, no tests, and definitely no sleep schedule. But in the end, I really am looking forward to school. I get to see my friends, new school clothes, (not sure if I got it but I applied for) a job in the cafeteria, and something to do all day. Eventually I'll hate it and won't be able to wait for Summer to come back, but for now, I'll be just fine.

Anyways, I had to get up around eight on a Thursday to go get the packet of papers from school. That was basic stuff. Emergency card, personal info, free lunch application, fliers for offers, etc. So I filled that out and figured I would just turn it in when I went to get my schedule. If I had not waited and turned it before that day, the process to get my schedule wouldn't have taken around four hours. But I guess it was worth it because most of my friends were waiting with me so it was all OK. I saw a lot of friends that I hadn't talked to since the last day of school. That was pretty sweet(: After all that, a few of us went to 7-11 (plug: 7-11 rocks!) to get Slurpees. As you know, I only drink water these days, but after going down a pants size already, I decided to treat myself to drink anything (but soda or anything really sugary) when with friends. Which recently, was only once or twice a week. Anyways, so after that, I went home and checked my schedule. These are my classes;;

1st- Computers (because I'm in CCA)
2nd- World Civ (almost forgot about History classes...)
3rd- Spanish 2 (that's a suicide mission)
4th- English 2 (if there's barely any writing work i'm gonna be super pissed)
5th- Bio (I didn't flunk. I'm in Advanced Placement Bio now :D)
6th- Geometry (math. should be easy)

A few things I noticed about my schedule is one, No PE Sukka!!!! My friends are all jealous of me. The only thing about that is I'm not sure if I have to take it next year because you're required to take two years of PE -_- But I'll figure that out eventually. Another thing was that on the schedule, it says the names of the class in one column. Then in the next column, it says the Room Number. My first period doesn't have a room number. It just says Computers again. I've only been to WHS one year but I'm pretty sure there isn't a building called Computers. SO because I don't want to wander around school on the first day like an idiot asking people for help, I've decided to convince a few friends to get to school early so we can go to the office and figure this out. One last thing I want to mention about my schedule is that I'm not sure I have any classes with my friends. My schedule is a bit different from everyones' that I've seen so far. But, to be hopeful, that has only been like two or three people. I know much more than that(: Worst case scenario, I have to make new friends. Shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Well, as I expected, starting school ends up being a very rewarding experience. Especially the school shopping(: Over the past two weeks, I've gotten quite a bit of pants and plenty of shoes. My mom will take my shopping this weekend at the Swamp Meet (probably not spelled right). Sounds ghetto, but to me, the Swamp Meet means five new shirts for 20 bucks. Which is very decent. Today, I spent around an hour getting my backpack prepped for school. I got some cool Beatles and Marilyn Monroe folder and a few solid colored notebooks. I probably over did it on the pencils but at least I won't run out(:

Anyways, I'll make sure to keep everyone posted on my Sophomore year so for now, I should get to sleep. Love you all Little Monsters XoXo LSS♥

Source: http://galacticgangster.blogspot.com/2010/08/got-schooled-son.html

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