As there is head and tail for a coin, there is both positive and negative impact of western culture on India and Indian youths. Why are the youth so fancied of the western culture? Is it superior to Indian culture? Is it not retrogressive? Is it not poncing?I Strongly believe that there is a substantial influence of western culture on Indian youths. Mere mention of the word 'India' signifies a place of cultural heritage as well as diversity. But the cultural legacy that we are showing to the whole world is becoming a thing of history in metropolitan cities. This always remind me the picture of an equatorial human in a poncho, which turns pongy due to un matching climate. In the past Indian men and women wore traditional dresses some of which I do agree, to a certain level hindered their freedom of movement. But they really have the sense and touch of our rich heritage. ‘Namsthee’ the Indian salutation the epitome of a host has the real power to transfer our hospitality, sincerity , love and brother/sisterhood . Now it has entirely changed. The Indian youth moving in jeans, t-shirts, minis, micros exhibiting the pubes, the pub dwellers sharing cheers over liquor, who quote themselves as social drinkers are turning a pushovers. Here are we to be proud of that western culture which we follow blindly or takes us unaware with the fast moving world.
When we consider the pubs, it is something to be strictly dealt and punished through laws. I mean both men and women who are in drastic stage, by taking drugs, should be punished. And we need to fell sorry for that. . Youth of today is more interested in their privacy rather than enjoying their lives with others. Individualization has broken up the joint family system, paving way for the youth to fall prey to drug addiction. This stage is the most vulnerable and precarious period of life where the youth need guidance, counseling, education and care by parents and elders who could be efficient toners.
How did we get part of European culture over here and the feeling that everyone wants to be just like them. No doubt through electronic media. If we follow or allow the young to follow types of these India is sure to lose her identity. Now itself we’ve become a copy – cat to all other nations and are on the verge of losing our individuality. We are fancied by other’s image which are much inferior to our image. We should never look like imposters to other countries. If ever that has been to our mind, it must be erased because such an image we’ve implanted in our minds is terribly wrong. India is not an imposter to other nations, it never has been, but will if theyouth of today continue to do everything they see on the visual media. Our ancestors fought for us, so that we could have a future in our own way, not with any other way, which we are not used to. This doesn’t mean to stop everything we’ve learnt from western countries, but to have some individuality from other nations and to set an example to the other 3rd world countries and give out the message that there are other nations to set an example on. If everyone is his or her own countryman - why can’t we be our own as well?
The effect of western culture has changed Indian youth a lot which has its own positive & negative side. To live in this completive world we have to make our self compatible to adopt the changing life style if only it suits our culture and is very comfortable both to us and society. Most of us underestimate our country and overestimate certain other countries. Usually we prefer to buy their products from perfume to car because we think those products hold better quality than ours. So, it is left to us to adopt only the needed from the western culture and leave that is not needed.
Some of the activities that represent westernization are :- • Observing valentine day
• Dating
• Romantic chatting
• Open-air romance in parks, on motorbikes, in dark glassed cars, onboard train, on main roads
• Dancing in Discothèque, night clubs, rave parties
• Smacking drugs
• Men / boys dressin torn clothes with peculiar hairdos like cartoons
• Women / girls dress to uncover and makeup or hairdo like buffoons
•Behave in the most vulgar manner even without caring the people around them
•Using ridiculous words between or among them in public places
• List is endless……………………………………………….
Live like a normal human which will give us our identity and there will be many to appreciate us
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