Keima Katsuragi, a second-year high school student, is an avid dating sim gamer. He is known on the Internet as "The Capturing God" for his legendary skills to be able to "capture" any 2D girl in games. However, in his actual school life, Keima is known as otamegane, a derogatory portmanteau of the two words otaku (オタク) and megane (メガネ-"glasses").
At the start of the series, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to "capture" girls. He accepts what is thought to be a challenge, and a demon from Hell nicknamed Elsee appears. She asks for his cooperation to help her in catching the runaway spirits. These spirits hide themselves inside the girl's heart, and Elsee suggests that the only method to force the spirits out is by "capturing" their hearts—making them fall in love. Appalled by the idea, Keima refuses after clarifying to Elsee that he is only interested in "capturing" 2D girls and that he detests reality. Nevertheless, with the contract already accepted, Keima would have to help Elsee no matter what; if they fail, both Elsee and Keima would lose their heads.
Alternative Titles
English: The World God Only Knows
Synonyms: Kaminomi
Japanese: 神のみぞ知るセカイ
Type: TV
Producers: Manglobe
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen, Harem
Dragon Ball Kai
Rating: (of 5)
Trying to assign a rating to Dragon Ball Kai is pretty useless. Depending on your personal background, Dragon Ball is the series that got you into anime, or the series that made you want to be a manga-ka, or the series that inspired you to spike your hair and dye it blond, and there's just no putting a number on feelings like that. That said, this "remake" was clearly designed to help fans relive their anime youth ... and all the terrible things that come with it, like grainy picture quality, shaky lines, and Akira Toriyama's character designs just as ugly and childish as they were 20 years ago. For you see, they didn't actually re-animate the series—they just re-scanned and touched up the original hand-drawn cels for digital broadcast.
After the thoroughly modernized opening animation and theme song, that's just a bit of a disappointment.
Even worse is that they're not actually picking up where Dragon Ball really began—you know, the part where Son Goku is an adorable little monkey boy fooling around—instead, there's an introduction about some epic space war and Goku being the last son of his home planet and being sent to Earth to become the greatest warrior, which he does, and then years later some crazy alien dude in a hilarious outfit shows up to challenge Goku in battle. So basically we're starting with Dragon Ball Z. At least they're trimming it down from 271 episodes to 100, but since we're talking about the foundation of modern shounen, you'd better be ready to sit through lots of taunting, powering up, and brute force fistfighting. In fact, it feels kind of weird trying to "preview" something where you already know exactly what's going to happen.
The remake does benefit on the audio side, though, with the aforementioned new theme songs, plus re-recorded music and fresh voice tracks (even if Goku does sound like he's still waiting for puberty to kick in). But for those who want to see what a real remake looks like, Fullmetal Alchemist is over that way.
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