17 July 2010

CHRONICLYsILLy & Chronically Puzzling Riddles & Brain Teasers!

Good Morning Saturday & Hello Weekend!

I'm sure its a better morning for some than others but that's why we're here, to get some good laughs! So even though I myself, am a bit more achey and stiff than usual (no surprise, I had another lovely night of tossing and turning, with minimal actual sleeping acomplished) and I am up early and heading out to take my last of 3, New York State Teacher's Certification Exams! Wish me luck! (It's the hardest of the three! Luckily, I'm planning on kicking ass and taking names! ) and because I needed something to get my morning going (aside from my Vat of coffee of course, and no worries, I'll be stopping to pick up a Big Gulp sized iced coffee on my way to the exam!) I have created some CHRONICLYsILLy and stupendously Loopy Riddles and Brain Teasers to get your mind moving this morning (and get rid of all that fog!). Be sure to write all of the answers down, I'll be posting the answers in the beginning of tomorrow's post (similar to our, "Wheel of Fortune-Lupie Week" Puzzles!) Get your pencils and pads out, and see if you can solve all of these creative and Chronically puzzling Riddles!

1. I'm shiny and slender, you use me a lot...

But be careful, because a few is all that you've got!

Some days you have more, some days you have less...

If you have an abundance, you're feeling your best!

What am I?

2. You love me, you hate me, and all in between...

but lets be honest, I don't keep you lean!

I make you bloat! I make you swell!

But in the end I leave you feeling well!

What am I?

3. I'm your best friend but not by choice,

I know your coming just by your voice!

I fill your pills just about everyday,

Hopefully you have insurance and a small co-pay!

Who am I? ( I'm Best Friends with mine! lol)

4. I attack your Immune system, out of nowhere!

I make you weak, you lose your hair!

I can take you down it's quite easy you see,

I begin with an "F' and end with an "E"

What am I?

5. I'll leave your joints writhing in pain,

When I strike you'll have to walk with a cane!

I make your CRP elevated for sure!

I'm the reason your body is sore...

What am I?

6. What can you catch, but not throw?

7. What question can you never answer "yes"to?

8. When you see me I'm red, but inside I'm blue,

You can give me away, but I'm always with you...

9. I'm like a thick cloud, but I live in your head,

I'll make you forget everything that was just said...

10. I'm silent and stealth, no you cannot see me,

But I'll strike with force and sting like a bee,

I'll deceive and mislead you, and your doctors alike

And you will never know when I will strike....

What am I?

Get your pens and paper out (you too kids, Mom and Dad, Auntie and Uncle, and Grams and Gramps are going to need your help!) and see if you can decipher these one of a kind CHRONICLYsILLy and Chronically Puzzling Riddles, & Brain Teasers! I hope they get your minds-a-moving, your brain fog a-leaving and of course, you and family and friends a-laughing! And in typical CHRONICLYsILLy fashion, before we part ways I'll leave you with my Page of Hope, "Nothing is Kim-Possible" ( we are fundraising for the LFA, and currently, the Inaugural Butterfly Gala in NYC, stop by, sign the guest book, and if you would like, leave a donation and contribute by clicking "make a donation" on my page) and of course, our daily Jolt-of-Java to get our Saturday (or at least mine, I'm a morning person, but come on, is it really necessary to schedule a major certification exam at 7:45 in the morning, I don't think so... if anyone that reads this blog is on the NYSTCE board, here's a suggestion, 7:45 am is not a reasonable time to start a standardize test (nor will it ever be!) ... how about we negotiate, or agree to disagree and schedule the exam for 9 am from this point on? No worries, talk it over with your colleagues and get back to me!)

Jolt-of-Java: " You have brains in your head, You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know... And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...So think left and think right, and think low and think high, oh the things you can think up if only you try!"- Dr. Seuss

Source: http://chroniclysilly.blogspot.com/2010/07/chroniclysilly-chronically-puzzling.html

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