Theme: "The First Thirteen" — Modern-day postal codes of the original 13 colonies are hidden in answers relating to the founding of the United States.
[Note: This is the syndicated L.A. Times puzzle. It does not appear in the actual newspaper, but is available for free at]
Theme answers:
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
- 48A: Macbeth's burial isle (IONA).
- 57A: Poet's "before" (ERE).
- 88A: Lily used as food by Mormon pioneers (SEGO).
- 34D: Palindromic airline (SAS).
- 50D: Seoul soldiers (ROKS).
- 73D: Penitent type (RUER).
- 83D: Seaweed gelatin (AGAR).
Everything Else — 1A: Painted Desert sight (MESA); 5A: Racetracks (OVALS); 10A: Minuteman, e.g., briefly (ICBM); 14A: Slip (LAPSE); 19A: Audio/visual production awards (AVAS); 20A: Aspect (FACET); 21A: Birthplace of seven presidents (OHIO); 22A: __ the hole (ACE IN); 23A: Aide-de-__ (CAMP); 24A: Appetite stimulant (AROMA); 27A: Therapists' org. (APA); 30A: Rembrandt choice (OIL COLOR); 31A: Chagrin symptom (RED FACE); 33A: Alleviate (EASE); 36A: Queen of the Nile, familiarly (CLEO); 37A: Dental products brand (ORAL-B); 42A: Pickle (JAM); 45A: A.L. Rookie of the Year after Derek (NOMAR); 46A: Deviate from a course (YAW); 47A: Land bordering los Pirineos (ESPAÑA); 49A: Penned? (IN STIR); 51A: "__ Yankees" (DAMN); 53A: Clouseau's rank: Abbr. (INSP.); 54A: Scorch (CHAR); 58A: 2010 Super Bowl champs (SAINTS); 60A: Boxer's outburts (ARFS); 64A: Scope (KEN); 65A: "Burr" and "Lincoln" (NOVELS); 68A: Menial position (MCJOB); 69A: "What's up?" in 47-Across ("¿QUE PASA?"); 72A: Song syllables (TRA LA LA); 74A: Canceled (UNDID); 75A: Fowl less fancy than her mate (PEAHEN); 77A: Nonpro sports org. (AAU); 78A: Looker (EYER); 79A: Brewpub fixture (ALE TAP); 81A: __-80: old computer (TRS); 85A: Meadow mom (MARE); 86A: Bounce back (ECHO); 89A: Abductor's demand (RANSOM); 94A: Minimally (A TAD); 95A: Code for Burr and Hamilton (DUELLO); 97A: Indefinite amount (ANY); 99A: Washington portraitist Rembrandt __ (PEALE); 100A: First word of Dante's "Inferno" (NEL); 103A: Western buds (PARDS); 104A: Gp. of battalions (REGT.); 105A: Paving stone (SETT); 106A: Waffles (SEESAWS); 108A: Civilized (DECOROUS); 115A: Palindromic peewee (TOT); 119A: Astrologer Sydney (OMARR); 120A: Indefinite amount (SOME); 121A: "... __'clock scholar" (A TEN O); 122A: "__ to 'Enry ...": Cockney toast ('ERE'S); 123A: "... __ man put asunder" (LET NO); 124A: First Alaskan governor (EGAN); 125A: Encumbered (LADEN); 126A: Shoe spec (SIZE); 127A: Laud (EXTOL); 128A: Desire (WANT); 1D: "Yankee Doodle" word (MACARONI); 2D: 1946-'52 first lady (EVA PERON); 4D: Queen of the Nile biter (ASP); 5D: Joan __ (OF ARC); 6D: "Spice of life" (VARIETY); 7D: Slip __: err (A COG); 8D: Tony of '60s golf (LEMA); 9D: This puzzle's circled pairs, nowadays (STATES); 10D: Cyclotron bit (ION); 11D: Taiwan tea (CHA); 12D: __-Honey: almond candy (BIT-O); 13D: Tribe allied with the patriots (MOHICANS); 14D: Surgical knife (LANCET); 15D: Allergic reaction (ACHOO); 16D: Bell sound that sounds like a portraitist? (PEAL); 17D: Minuteman's home (SILO); 18D: Cabinet dept. with a lightning bolt on its seal (ENER.); 26D: LIKE THIS (ALL CAPS); 28D: It's bought in bolts (FABRIC); 29D: Bolted down (EATEN); 32D: Driving problem (FLAT); 35D: Realms (EMPIRES); 39D: Was wearing (HAD ON); 40D: Obi-Wan portrayer (EWAN); 41D: Triptych third (PANEL); 43D: France of France (ANATOLE); 44D: Snickers cousin (MARS BAR); 48D: Eaves dropper? (ICICLE); 52D: Birds that ape (MYNAHS); 56D: Look follower? (LEAP); 57D: Make manifest (EVINCE); 59D: Health org. (AMA); 60D: Atlantis dweller of comics (AQUAMAN); 61D: Fall behind (RUN LATE); 63D: Treated maliciously (SPITED); 66D: Lode load (ORE); 67D: Boer burg (STAD); 70D: Nabokov novel (ADA); 71D: Unpens? (PAROLES); 76D: Lucy's landlady (ETHEL); 77D: Included in (AMONG); 80D: Didactic sort (PEDAGOG); 84D: Got forty winks (NAPPED); 87D: Bio lab subjects (CULTURES); 88D: Civil beginning? (SOFT C); 90D: Civil rights activist Ralph (NEAS); 92D: Noted shoe dweller (OLD WOMAN); 93D: Where soldiers put away food (MESS TENT); 96D: Soap chemical (LYE); 98D: "Decide now!" ("YES OR NO?!"); 101D: Washington's mount? (VERNON); 102D: "The Ruling Class" star, 1972 (O'TOOLE); 104D: ABC's Arledge (ROONE); 107D: Filmdom's Flynn (ERROL); 108D: Two-part (DUAL); 109D: This, in Toledo (ESTA); 110D: Sent the same ltr. to (CC'ED); 111D: LPGA star __ Pak (SERI); 113D: Taos's st. (N. MEX.); 114D: Suffragist Carrie (CATT); 117D: "__ who?" (SEZ); 118D: Boston-to-Weymouth dir. (SSE); 120D: Emulate Betsy Ross (SEW).
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