Easily the best GoW2 montage yet. As far as gameplay goes, let's just put it this way. There's a two for one bow headshot. In the fucking CREDITS. Sniper quads and Torque 2 for 1 headshots galore, even if you don't like GoW2, you'll probably love this. The editing (By GunnReX), was just enough to keep the video interesting, and without affecting the visual experience of the gameplay. As well as keeping a consistent approach to the gameplay, the editing kept the montage extremely upbeat and fast paced. At times it seemed like a flurry of clips of pure rape just screaming through the monitor. And you have to love the HD Ghost camera angles haha. Since I'm sure someone will try to say every clip is host somehow; There is one host clip. At around 3:04 on Blood Drive. For more videos by Blood (Gameplay) - www.youtube.com For more videos by GunnReX (Editor) - www.youtube.com
Source: http://bestincameraandphoto.blogspot.com/2010/08/idevilz-blood-1st-gow2-montage.html