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inspired: wishful paper art

last night I went to an art gallery my friends from Ensign 7th put on for our family night activity.  Totally cool and of course I shouldn't have been surprised by the amount of creativity found running wild in that group.  Everything from a live jazz band to illustrations that belong in a kids book somewhere.  We even have an animator in our midst from Disney who could have showed Toy Story 3 as his contribution.

last monday I sat very still {wanting to throw a tantrum a time or two} as we learned how to make origami cranes.  It must be my white girl-ness that makes me inept at understanding this art form.  Finally I was getting it and as I chatted with my cute neighbor we churned out crane after crane adding to the '1000 Cranes' group installation project.

Legend says if you make a thousand cranes you will get one wish granted.  I don't think we ended up with quite that many, but I still made a wish. I'll tell you if it ever comes true.
